A self-hypnosis technique is a natural process and requires a strong attention to our increased attention. It is a way to sort out more with our subconscious our questions. It is also true that most long-term problems are logged into the subconscious, so that is the best place to solve them.
Although self-hypnosis is usually thought of as pre-recorded tape or CD, if it is just as effective, if made of your own mind. It is importantthat the words and thoughts, if used in a hypnotic state are relevant to solve the problem, with nature and the person need to change, so with that in mind it is perfect for us, a self-hypnosis technique with us.
In this article the "self" in self hypnosis really means that you yourself are hypnotized!
Follow the steps below to help you begin to connect with your subconscious.
1st You need a quiet place that is free to chooseof noise or distraction from anything or anyone.
2nd You can either sitting or lying down. Just make sure that, in a comfortable position.
3rd Close your eyes, uncross your legs and have hands, placed by your side on your lap.
4th Begin to relax every part of your body. Some people like to relax their facial muscles, then the neck to start the shoulders, and so on their way to their bodies. Or you can start from the feet, it really does not matter.Just be careful clench every muscle in turn and then you can relax.
5th Take deep, slow breaths and you also start your breathing.
6th Clear your mind try to count backwards from 500 During start counting backwards, think about your question. Ask your subconscious to do you have an answer to the problem with you. Do not rush the session. When you first start relaxing, it takes a few minutes (or longer) to clear your consciousness.
Do not give upin frustration. Deep relaxation (a powerful self hypnosis technique) opens your conscious mind so it can be receptive to what your subconscious mind delivers to it. People often are able to solve problems as they sleep. That's because when you sleep, you enter the alpha state. By entering the alpha state, you are at the subconscious level where deep changes can and are made.
Every doctor will tell you that when you dream, it is your subconscious mind working. So when you have an Question, take it to your subconscious. Before going to bed, say: 'Please, subconscious, give me the answer to the XY & Z while I sleep. The answer will often be made available, perhaps in a conversation in a dream.
The subconscious is so powerful and has our best interests at heart. A friend of mine was suffering from migraines, constant, and every day. I asked him if he had seen the doctor, he did not say. I asked him, he has one, when he awoke in the morning, that hesaid yes. I asked him what was the first thing he did when he awoke, he thought? He said his mother, who had passed away two months before. I said you have talked about your Mom's passing, he did not say. I hit him sort the advice of a bereavement counselor. He did so and the migraines stopped immediately.
The subconscious mind will help us without question. There was my friend migraine to sort him the real problem, not by his Moms.
Sorry I digressed., Is it relevantBut!
Ok, if you feel that a solution has been given to begin to get back into the full reality by counting 1 to 10 As each number is increasing, so that you become more and more alert. If the number reaches 10, you are wide awake and alert.
Sit up and say your phone number or go to some basic math. This will re-orient you back into full consciousness.
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