Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Caregivers Self-Assessment Tool

Giving care to another person can be stressful and overwhelming, and those who provide care for others often forget to pay attention to their own needs. This survey gives you an opportunity to put their own level of stress and suggest evaluate areas that need attention. After you thought the checklist to every point of finding out which areas need more self-care plan and build a care for themselves.

Physical health

1st I get 7-9 continuousHours of sleep per night.

2nd I can not sleep most nights without a care to my patients or my job.

3rd Most people would describe myself as a healthy eater.

4th I am able to get in at least 30 minutes of aerobics, 4-6 days / week.

5th I do not have an unusual number of headaches.

6th I drink alcohol only in moderation, less than one drink per day.

7th My doctor is aware and approves all of my prescribed medications and bothover-the-counter.

Mental Health

8th I can see the glass as half full.

9th I have rarely feel exhausted and empty of emotional energy.

10th I know how draining it stress with healthy activities.

11th I know how I feel when I go to soothe overwhelmed.

12th I am able to laugh at things and keep a healthy sense of humor.

13th I talk loud when I am of something, instead of care to keep it all inside.

14th I have a good supportSystem with friends and family.

15th I have a good balance of free time (games, fun, hobbies, travel, recreation) and work in my life.

16th Spirituality (art, beauty, music, nature, religion, nourish), to support and complement me.

17th Most of my relationships are healthy and support those.

18th My work keeps me not from a loving and accordingly are partners, parents and / or friend.

19th I can be flexible with different needs and ideas and do not think that my wayis the only way.

20th I can with what I do and rarely feel overwhelmed manage.


21st I am able to be empathetic and help the people with whom I work.

22nd I do not think, as I am always cynical or judgmental of my patients and staff.

23rd My colleagues respect and appreciate me.

24th In general, I was able to complete all my work just when there is more than I can afford, I can prioritize or ask forto help.

25th I know I'm in the right place and work in the right place.

26th I can leave work at work.

27th If I am faced with a crisis at work, I generally stay can think calmly and clearly.

28th Family members would say that I have learned how to leave work at work and not to the stress at home.

29th I'm good at stay on task, even if it distractions.

30th I know if I need help and I ask if I need it.

31st I'm pretty good atBreaking the duties and problems.

Scoring: This review is for you to use to determine how effectively you are managing your own stress. Each "No" answer indicates a closer look at yourself and your self-care.

Talk about this with someone in your life who are willing to consider you accountable for the care themselves. Find ways to ensure that you do not let other needs take priority over their own care.

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