To understand what I am, I must also be clear about what I want to be. The objective is essential. I must know the goal I'm shooting. As the great philosopher Spinoza said: "For what we are and to become what we are able to, the only purpose of life." To understand what I am, I must be clear what I want to be. The objective is essential. I must know the goal I'm shooting. As the great philosopher Spinoza said: "For what we are andto become what we are capable is always the only purpose of life. "
It is also important to ask, why am I here? Why am I doing this? What is my purpose or goal? What moves me cause to do so? Why should I suffer and work, dusty, silent and serious eye? What makes me go through all this struggle and pain?
Who can a reason to live any how. Who has to die a reason, a reason to live, too. Life is precious. It should not be wasted. It is worth livingHousing and meaningful. Therefore, I should ask myself what I want out of life? What I want to do by myself? What I would like to make contribution to society? How do I want to remind my people to me?
I want to reach the full stature of my personality. I want to grow in wisdom and in favor with God and man. I want to flower my personality. I want my life to be fruitful. I want friendly, generous and useful to society. I would like to develop my skills and talents, so goodas I can. I want a real person, honest and sincere to myself in dealing with people, because I know that the greatest ability to believe reliability.
What happens to me often depends on me. What I do depends on what I am. What to do more for me not in my control. How can I do to what they respond to me, depends on who I am.
There is a story of four men walking on a narrow path in a jungle. As they left, the first was in a deadly snake on your path. He sawthe snake and was shocked. Fear gave him strength, and he fled as fast as he could.
As the second man came, he saw the same snake on his way lie. He was so frightened that he will be completely frozen. He could not walk or cry for help. He could only stand there like a pillar, completely incompetent and lost.
The third man, he saw the man and the snake in his path. He cut a small branch from a tree and killed the snake with him. Then he walked away with theother people.
Finally, the fourth man at the sight of snake he was so frightened that all he could do was to stand there and scream for help. This he did until he realized that the snake was dead and fly collecting. He took a wide arc around the snake and left.
We see that the four different reactions to the same queue not from the snake, but different to the four people. What did they do it depends on what they were. As Gandhi said: "The external behavior of a person isat once the sign and proof of the internal state. "
If someone hits me that this does not show that I'm bad, that just shows something of the quality of the man who hit me. One I can hit again, I can ignore the list of hits I get, I can one who can forgive me hit, or I'm friendly and helpful to him. My answer depends on what kind of person I am dependent.
I am not only what I want to be. Any thought of me, every word, every deed and every wish of mine leaves autograph to me andForms me. I am the sum of God's gift to me and my own to do with me.
If I do get to a certain place, it follows logically that I have all necessary steps to take to reach there. I have done nothing and no step that will take me away from my destination.
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