Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Self-development and growth

When starting from the area of self development and growth, one of the most important and basic skills is to learn the ability to deal with life issues in your.

Many sources often overlooked is how to change. The process is long and hard, and often you will lose the motivation and forget about your goals for self improvement. While you may crave change and instant gratification for immediate, the reality that it just happened overnight usual. Habits takelong time to form and break; deeper psychological problems, to resolve a long time.

Often, when people deal with their problems, to do it with him in a logical manner. This does not motivate, because motivation is emotional. If you feel emotionally involved to the problem is, you have the drive to resolve the emotions. This is the basis for my model for dealing with questions.

Without further ado, here it is: How to deal with issues that the 4 stages.

1. Find out what theIssue.

This first point is obviously ridiculous, but incredibly important, and often looked. In many cases, we believe that we are dealing with a problem if we are actually confronted with problems in reality a deeper inner issue.

For example, in the world of dating and relationships, the actual act, the meeting, the members of the opposite sex quite daunting. The possibility of rejection, the fear that they do not like to be present. No one may believe that theyare incompetent with the opposite sex, and that is the problem that may arise and challenge as they approach and rejected. So they sit on the back of the bar to talk to their friends, as they are "pimps" and "someone could pick up in that bar," but "they do not," because "no one is worth it."

What happens here is avoiding the real problem: It depends on the agreement of other reactions and to feel at ease. A problem of low self-esteem andlow self-confidence.

This problem would not be without serious hard thinking and the ability to things for what they really look to be realized. Your mind and ego throws up a million different insights, you throw off the real problem, because the truth hurts your self-esteem.

This first point is ridiculously easy to implement but difficult.

2. Experience the problem.

This is different. I swear by this technique 100%.

If you find out what theProblem is, it will try and hide. It will take excuses to why you have these findings. You're going to want to avoid the problem. Yes that's right, you know what I mean. This is the nerd realize that they suck with women, but the rationalization as the basis of their studies, or the fact that they "do not have time", then, that not as a constant excuse to go out with women. Or the woman, the emotional problems that affect their relations, but raises itsRelationship problems of their appearance.

By the problem occur, I mean, in order to feel complete. You know it's there, you can not be avoided. She broke up with your partner? It feels like shit. Inevitable that the emotions. You are afraid to talk and that cutie? Not avoid the problem. Immerse yourself in the experience of such a feeling.

Only then will you have a solid basis for your motivation to fix the problem.

3. Act on the solution of the problem

After the experience ofFeelings that you do not want to feel, to contribute a decision on the questions. After all, only makes sense to feel bad ... meaningless. So what did you do? Make a commitment to make progress in taking the problem to fix. If you are afraid that people "refuse" then approach people until you realize that means emotional rejection "by a stranger simply the fact that you approached them in the wrong direction. If you avoid exercise because an underlying problem ofLaziness to get up and train a bit! Do you really want to be unhealthy? How does that feel unhealthy?

In which the problem should give you the motivation to act on this issue. If you do not act, you will only remain the same. Do you really want on the way you felt when you were feeling at the problem? I doubt it.

4. Find out your other questions

In self-improvement, it is important to remember that your problems never end and you always haveProblems to do. The reality is hard.

If you want to improve themselves seriously, against this background will help you a lot. You have always something to repair. Take a break once in a while, in terms of how much you work on yourself, but never forget that you always improve something. Read "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida. There is a good description of the item.

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