Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Self-Improvement Secrets

* Perfectionism is a pastime.

Strive for excellence on important issues and ordinary best for everyday tasks. Do not waste your time on unnecessary details.

* Be flexible.

Organize things as they work for you. The principle of organization is found to be in a position to what you want, when you want it.

* Simplification.

No matter how much change you want, it is impossible if there is no room for change. Business and the issues you can feel overwhelmed,stressed and yearning for a simpler life. Letting go of clutter and attachments can be painful. Ask for help. Consider a trusted friend, family member or professional organizer, you can keep focus. (Telephone and email coaching available For further information please contact:. Judith@OrganizingResources.com)

* Clean your cabinets.

Take some time to get what you wear or not to use. Statistics show that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. This means that there is awhole range of clothes just waiting to take the rare opportunity to them. Do you really need to keep so many?

* Measure progress in terms of percentages.

The point of self-knowledge - to improve the average increase of your eyelid. Changing a habit 10% of time is a positive step in the right direction. Give yourself credit for making the progress you. (Ty Cobb, baseball legendary all-time leading hitter, had a lifetime batting average with 367, which means almostfive of eight times at bat, he made another.)

* Be friendly.

Positive self-talk better than degradation. ("I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career, I've lost almost 300 games that have 26 times I have been entrusted to take to win the game ... shot and missed, I have always and always and always in my life, and therefore it is possible to me, "said Michael Jordan, basketball's largest.)

* Someone once said: "It is not how much youdo what counts is how much to hold. "

Pay attention to where you are spending and start a savings plan with small change. It will mount up and grow your wealth.

* Relax.

Stress depletes the immune system. Seek balance in your life and learn breathing exercises. Press your tongue against the palate and continue to breathe slowly through your nose until you are fully inflated. Holding and notice how much oxygen you bring into your starving tissues.Let the air by breathing through the mouth. Repeat as many times as necessary.

* Lach.

Why does it feel so good to laugh? Since endorphins are the brain every time you published it. Endorphins have a morphine-like effect and are often referred to as the body's own opiates. Endorphin pushers: Smiling and laughing, exercising, positive thinking, connecting with family and friends, parties, receive recognition and experiencing nature up closepersonally.

* Get a Life!

This cliché is usually said with sarcasm. However, it is actually very good advice. Are you among the crowd, which invests in a lot of life? Do you think you need the new car, boat or expensive vacation to feel successful? Life would be perfect if you had the new suit, a diamond ring or a larger TV? Our houses have become a warehouse for goods, to improve the way we live, but fail to improve our quality of life.

* Choose to behappy.

Happiness is not found in possession of material goods. Rather, it comes from the depths. Every morning a conscious decision to have a good day. Instead of waiting for things to get better, be grateful for what you already have. "Success is always what you want, happiness is missing, what you get," said Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955, American author and self-organization - improving Trainer

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