Self-knowledge is more personal power. You can better use a computer if you know more about it, and in the same way you can do better with your own intelligence, spirit and body, if you understand them better. However, there is a big obstacle to learning more about ourselves. Our aim is to rationalize, as shown in the extreme in the following true story.
Jack, while hypnotized by his therapist, was given the post-hypnoticLessons to get up and put on his coat when the doctor touched his nose. Once out of trance, said he and the doctor. During the conversation, the doctor scratched his nose, and Jack got up immediately and put on his coat.
The doctor asked why. Jack said: "Oh, I thought we were finished," and he took the mantle. A few minutes later the doctor touched his nose again, and Jack immediately got up and put on his coat. "It's always cold here," he said. Bythird time, it was increasingly difficult for Jack to explain his behavior, but he is still trying.
Now, this scenario is really unique to hypnosis? I think not. We often assume that we know all that goes into our decisions and actions. As the poor Jack, we feel compelled to tell us and believe our own statements. Of course this is not self, but even explain, or rationalize, and it is one of our strongest humanHabits.
Self Knowledge versus Self explanatory
If a child throws a required book to his brother and his mother, "Why would you do?!" What usually happens? The child answers: "I do not know," what is true, but totally unacceptable. With five seconds with an answer, could not understand the best psychologist, the child's actions with certainty or a five-year-old is expected to do just that.
Although he can not understand, he learns quicklyHow to explain himself. to explain with this pressure, it is no wonder that as adults, we often say: "I do not know" when asked about our behavior. Instead, we simply create a statement. Is this not a problem if we want to know true self and how we learn the true causes of our behavior when we have our explanations?
Self Knowledge - I Do not Know
A better approach is to say "I do not know." If it helps, followed by "Perhaps it is because of ..." andlet the statements go to the outside, but not too quick to accept any of them. It is not always necessary to explain.
Suppose you avoid a particular person. If you never know, why are you, avoid them, is not it better to rationalize leave the question open, to accept as a justification and a false statement on the basis of a habit itself? If you leave open questions, you may one day be a better understanding. A fast response means only a short stop in yourThinking, knowledge and less self-doubt.
Why not simply say: "I do not know." Is not it better to learn to accept your ignorance and keep you watching? Do not be self-explanation skills in the way of self-regulation.
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