"Writing is an exploration company. You start from scratch and learn as you go is." - EL Doctorow
It is not how much we read that really matters is how much we assimilate and retain what we have read that is really important. This is especially true when it comes, of course - to improve material. General knowledge is equated quite easy, but when it comes to all things pertaining to psychology or philosophy, that is another matter.
The reason is that assimilation> Self - Improvement material is all the more difficult is the fact that it requires a change in thinking. The mind seeks consistency so when it comes to theories that violate the concepts that have been decided, there is a sharp resistance is confronted.
To complicate things even more, the resistance to new ways of thinking at the level of the unconscious is done. We are not even aware of the tricks the mind to play to ensure consistency that thereWishes.
The best way to bypass that resistance to change is from the brain to explore more deeply the material that we want to assimilate. The ideal way to do that is by writing, in our own words, what we believe we have just read, and then compare the two versions.
Many times we are on the results of that exercise in surprise. The spirit was a way to completely change the meaning of what we are reading in order to maintain the integrity found our previously heldBeliefs.
A further obstacle to assimilate, even - to improve material is the fact that we tend to think in theory the whole concept or give whole picture, rather than attention to the various parts of the whole, the shape. In other words, we understand the big picture, but also tend to all the important details, which ignore the big picture.
This is another obstacle that can be overcome by writing about the subject that we are trying to assimilate. We may think that weUnderstand a theory, but it is when we have the theory that we really see how much we know how much and to write, is still a vague idea.
Most of us have an experience where we try to explain a theory that someone else had, only to find that we may not know as much about how we believed that we have done. It would have been no problem if we have a few paragraphs on the subject before you try, had written to explain it.
Letter made clear our views, points out that, the approachmore research and turn vague ideas into clear and concise words. It gives us a deeper understanding of the subject and makes it easier to associate related terms.
It also allows us to examine in a minute so critically and analyze each component of the approach and weigh the validity of the entire structure. see, in other words, it allows us to inspect an idea, concept, idea or theory of how the individual parts to harmonize with the whole and the assessment of the validity of the entireto construct.
For any serious studies on the self - improvement materials, daily writing on the subject is absolutely essential. That is where an abstract way, information and ideas is transformed into concrete and tangible knowledge. Writing is the best medium to assimilate, in a tangible way, what used to be a rather vague nation and turn the abstract into physical paths in the neurons of the brain.
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